
Showing posts from January, 2018

Building Our Dream Home Step 1: Building Permit Requirement and Fees

Happy New Year everyone! This 2018, we are going to slowly start the construction of our home. I'm absolutely excited and overwhelmed because I will be the one to supervise the entire crew. So that means less travels for this year 😭😭😭 for our long term family goals. Anyhow, when I found the right design for my dreamhouse, I consulted my husband if he is cool with it. After a few changes, he eventually agreed. I think that's a key to a good relationship. You have to exchange views, meet in the middle and both agree about everything in the end. To tell you the truth,  at first we really didn't care about this permit until I attended the seminar for CAGELCO (Cagayan 1 Electric Cooperative) and their requirement #1 is a Building permit.  Here's how I got it: 👇👇 Disclaimer: All information on this blog is solely based on my experience. For complete and accurate details please visit your City Building Office or The City Engineering's Office. First,