Conquering Quezon Province | Where to Go and What To Do

It's rainy season right now and I don't like it. I hate it when its dark, cold and wet. So, I always reminisce the good old times that I had during hot summer days. And one of the best memory that I can think of was when we traveled to Quezon Province. Thank God for my crazy and out going girl friends! 😘  We just got bored one day and suddenly decided to go there. Yay, Apol saved the day! Luckily, she is from Infanta so we won't have to worry about our accommodation and transportation because she have her own car, so, we just shared for the gas. It's a four to five-hour drive that's why our group decided to depart from Manila in the morning. If you go there during summer, there are a lot of locals selling fruits like native mangoes. We stopped by and bought four kilos! 😁😁 While we are approaching Quezon Province, I can't help but stare to the beauty of the ocean with hues of blue sky, white clouds, huge rock formations, green mountains and salty air.

Just WOW!

Since we can't swim because the current is so strong, we just took a couple of pictures here or maybe hundreds. Haha!

FIRST STOP: Nonoc Falls

After the breathtaking view along the road, we headed to one of the falls in Real,Quezon. It will take a 15-minute walk from the main road going to this hidden falls.

Yep, it's fun to walk with your friends then you all talk about how hot it is and how hungry you all are! 

Finally, this is Nonoc Falls of Malapad, Real, Quezon! It has a refreshing jade-like waters where you can relax after a long walk. Its 33 feet high and if you're adventurous enough then you can take a dive from the cliff into the plunge pool. Its depth is approximately 15 feet, enough to maintain the water's coolness even during summer time.

Brrr! The water is ice cold! 😱 but we still managed to get a groupfie

We had our lunch here on one of the Nipa huts that we rented for a minimal fee just beside Nonoc falls. Mangoes for dessert, anyone? 

Another groupfie before we leave for another great destination. Now, these faces looked recharged! Agree? 😊

NEXT STOP:  Pacific Recreation Kamp

This beach resort/campsite is also known as "THE PARK" located in Tignoan, Real, Quezon. It offers wide range of amenities. Please check their rates and fees below: 🔻

© Bat's Life

You have to walk a few meters away from the resort to get to the beach. This place where we took a picture is where the warm river and cold ocean meets. Oh, how amazing nature is! 💦

One of the benefit of travelling is you get to meet other people. We had so much fun and giggles pushing our single friend (you know who you are! 😂) to this surfer hottie! 

The beach is very clean and have a pure black sand. There's no tree around so watching the sunrise or sunset is definitely no problem. You can try surfing or skimboarding. There's absolutely lots of things to do here! But gosh, we're soo tired already so we just swam on the shore and experience the saltwater engulf our skin or better yet simply sit on the  seaside and appreciate nature.

Well, the best part here in The Park is it also offers cold beer. Cheers! 🍺

LAST STOP: Pag-ibig Prayer Garden

Apparently, this place in Tudturan, Infanta, Quezon is the perfect spot where you can find a peaceful atmosphere. If you wanna meditate and reflect about your life, then, I recommend you to go here.

This wide farmland is what you'll see before entering Pagibig Prayer Garden.

Never in my whole life I imagined that I'll get to see a peacock for the first time here in Infanta. Gorgeous!! 😍

You'll also meet this beautiful winged buddy right here in their mini zoo. It's sad to look at them locked up in this small cage but, you know, this days it's much dangerous if they're outside. I wish people would stop hunting these helpless animals so they can freely go back in the wildlife.

After roaming around the zoo, you can now enter the serene environment of Pag-ibig Prayer Garden. There's a logbook where all the visitors were registered. Additionally, there's no entrance fee, however, you can donate if you want. The garden have many things to show like the statues of different angels and saints, the stations of the Cross, and some of the important things that was written in the Bible.

"I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."  -John 10:11

Note that these huge lotus flowers were all real!

Smelling fresh air, feeding your eyes with green nature and satisfying your ears with the sound of water continuously flowing is the most tranquil thing to do on Earth! 🌏

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walkedon the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind,hewas afraid and beginning to sink,cried out, " Lord, save me!"  -Matthew 14: 22-33

He said, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some." When theu did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. -John 21:6

Noah's ark

Jesus went through out Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. -Matthew 4:23

This is us at the treehouse eating the last mangoes. We devoured four kilos of this fruit in just a day! 😂😂

What an exciting day we had here in Quezon Province! We stayed overnight in my friends family house in Infanta. Indeed, it was exhausting that's why we slept early to regain energy for our travel back to Manila the next day.

We ended our two days one night tour with a jumpshot in the famous Marikina-Infanta road. This road is scenic! Its foggy when we passed by so it feels a lil bit creepy because we're alone. It's like zombies will suddenly appear behind the fog. HAHA!

Whoa! What a great flashback. I may forget the names and locations of these places but the happiness that I felt during this short trip with my friends will remain in my heart forevsss! 💕💕💕

Keep Travelling...


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