Hello Hong Kong! (Day 2) Visiting Disneyland On A Rainy Day

It's a new day here in Hong Kong! We're somewhat thankful because the typhoon signal was lowered down to 3. I already bought our tickets online so no matter what happens, we will still go through with our itinerary for today which is on the happiest place on Earth---DISNEYLAND!

Train to Disneyland with Mickey mouse windows. Cute 😍

How to get there?

We took the MTR til Sunny Bay Station then we transferred to  Disneyland Resort line; the train dedicated for guests going to Disneyland.

We arrived at around 12 noon. We're definitely hungry so I immediately claimed our tickets in the counter. FYI: 2 years old and below are free. Yayyy! Riri won't have to pay.  We we're actually expecting that there'll be less people for today due to the inclement weather but we're wrong. There's still loads of guests coming in. Unfortunately, because of the storm signal,  only the indoor attractions are operating. I think that's okay rather than closing the entire place.

Grilled steak with mushroom sauce and chicken breast in tomato sauce

I feel awesome actually despite of the bad weather! The vibe in Disneyland is sooo good it makes you smile just by stepping inside their premises. Just a tip, don't forget to pick up a guide map written in English so that you can plan we're to go from time to time.  After getting a map, we quickly looked for the nearest restaurant and taaadaaa! In just a couple of minutes we we're able to order our food and get a table at Starliner Diner which features beef burgers, fish and chips, grilled chicken breast or steak with rice. The food is portioned generously but its a bit pricey so make sure to bring extra cash just in case.

My mom and mom-in-law now entering Tomorrowland


Now, we all have the energy to start our journey. We're currently in Tomorrowland where the first ever Marvel-themed ride Ironman Experience--presented by AIA was situated. This attraction was just created early this year so it's a must try! Each person would have to wear a 3D glass called Starkvision glasses so viewing will be more realistic.

Here's what Starkvision glasses look like
My mom and mother-in-law we're so amazed of what they have experienced. It feels like soaring over Hong Kong battling with the evil forces of Hydra. My very innocent mom even asked, "Did we ever flew out of Hong Kong?" 😂😂😂 Yes, it really feels soo true to life that's why she asked that. Too bad Riri can't join us due to height restrictions. Kids should be 102 cm in order for them to come.

Doorway to a high speed roller coaster

Moving on, we went to HyperSpace Mountain; a high speed roller coaster. This is not for the faint-hearted so my mom voluntarily withdrew and will just take care of Riri for the meantime. As we enter the dark room, we can only see on the ceiling different illustrations of galaxies and planets. It's sooo breathtaking because it's like looking inside a telescope staring at God's perfect creations. After seating down in the roller coaster, my heart started to beat so fast because I can't see anything! It's a total blackout. You won't catch a glimpse of what's going to happen. You won't determine if it's going to the left, right , up or down and that makes it sooo electrifying. Plus the sound effects of a dodging blaster fire as we dash through a raging dogfight between Rebel X-wing starfighters and Imperial TIE fighters makes this experience remarkable. Two thumbs up for this!

 As we go out of the Hyperspace mountain, we noticed that they already allow outdoor rides. Stunning! We then hurriedly went to Orbitron. Finally, a ride for our little one. It's just a laid back flying saucer ride circling around an orbit then up and down. We also enjoyed it as long as we see Riri happy. 😊😍

Cinderella Carousel


Next, we walked towards Fantasyland where the Cinderella Carousel is. The carousel have 60 horses and it's a sure hit for kids and adults alike so expect a long queue. But it's woth the wait! Riri is in pure bliss while the carousel turns around and she sees her grandmas playing peek-a-boo with her everytime we pass through them. Same as the Mad Hatter Tea Cups, she gets delighted whenever our tea cup spins toward her Daddy who's taking a video of us.

Now entering "It's a small world"

 The intricate design of "It's a small world" Castle

We're currently here on our journey to the "happiest cruise ever sailed". On this ride, we are onboard a small boat cruising while the children all over the world sing and dance to the song "It's a small world". This song never gets old. We sang together regardless of the language. We're so astonished with all the cute dolls dancing which represents each country in every continent of the world. As we sail through each dolls, it sings the local version of the song. Too bad, we don't know the Filipino version. Haha! 

After sailing, we joined The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh. We're on a cart ride while Pooh is storytelling through the Hundred Acre Woods.  We love how Tigger show up everytime the cart moves and the story develops into a sweet happy ending.

Behold the extraordinary Mystic Manor
A portrait of Lord Henry Mystic
A god with half human half lion and half eagle

Just outside the manor is the very serene Garden of Wonders. It has various archaeological antiquities  that makes astonishing illusions like the picture above. The huge stone of the ancient God created an impression that my mom is a tiny person. Got it? 😉

Sheriff Woody welcoming us in Toy Storyland


In here, we initially hopped on Slinky Dog Spin. It's mainly for kids. The ride will just turn around for 3 minutes like a dog chasing it's tail. Then we proceeded to Toy Soldier Parachute Drop where you will be thrilled because it seems like you will be dropped from the sky then eventually goes back up for a couple of times. There's a height requirement of 81cm in here. Riri met the requirement however she don't wanna sit and be buckled up alone so her Dad don't have a choice but to walkout and just wait for us outside.

Riri with her Dad waiting for us to be done on the Grizzly Mountain roller coaster


This is the only ride that I tried twice---the Big Grizzly Mountain Runaway Mine Cars. I was able to convince my Mom to get on here by saying that all Disney rides are slow because it's intended for kids. She just cursed me the whole time the high speed roller coaster went up, down, forward then suddenly backwards. 😂😂😂 Well, I told her that if I didn't lie she won't experience this once in a lifetime chance of riding a roller coaster in Disneyland. Since Riri is not allowed to come, my husband looked over her first. After me, my mom and mom-in-law we're done, I decided to go ride with my husband again. I felt so high with adrenaline! Another must try for the thrill seekers!! 💯💯💯 

Tarzan's Tree House


The Jungle River Cruise for me is the highlight in Adventureland. A group of about 20 people will journey on a boat altogether with a guide in the River of Adventure. You will come across many replicas of animals like crocodiles, elephants, tarantulas, monkeys and many more while cruising around. I like how the guide handled the tour. She's so effective in making us follow in everything she says. If she said "hide" we will hide. If she said "say hi to the baby elephants" we would say hi too even though we knew that it's just a fake elephant. 😁

My mom in Liki Tiki

One of the attraction in Adventureland is the Liki Tiki. It is a wooden pole that blows out fumes from time to time. So make sure to capture the picture at the right moment to get the smokey effect.

Onboard a train from Fantasyland to Main St. USA


The Main Street, USA is where most of the shops, restaurants and refreshments are located. It is near the entrance where the Disney parade happens and this is where all the guests stay to watch the famous Disney musical fireworks display.

A dancing fairy during the Disney parade

Disney Princess Arielle waving to all guests
We undoubtedly waited for the parade and the fireworks display to complete this Disney experience. We were physically tired and hungry but our emotional state is full of gladness with a bunch of unforgettable memories that will last a lifetime. Tonight, we slept with a smile in our faces...🔚🔚🔚


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