5 Best and Worst Things Of Having A Younger Sister

There's no doubt that your younger sister is one of the blessings that God has given to you. But when we're still children, I must admit that I hated her so much. Haha!! Since I'm five years older than her, I do all the work while she plays. I cook while she sat there watching TV and the list goes on... So, I decided to make a list of:


1. The Best Human Pillow. Nothing beats a warm hug while you're pissed because your haircut is ugly as hell or having a bad day at the office because your boss yelled at you. Whatever the reason is, she's always there to give you unlimited and free hugs!

2. She's your Living Diary. Oh Yes! You can tell her everything without worrying. You can share to her your new lovelife and she'll be very interested to listen. Once you and your boyfriend broke up, she'll listen to your sentiments and in our case she also listened to my boyfriend's side. You can tell her a corny joke but she'll still laugh. She's my shock absorber! Haha poor girl... But thank God, she never gets tired of listening... 

3. She's a Drag Queen. What I mean is you can drag her anywhere without even complaining. If you're single or in a long distance relationship but you wanna escape from your everyday routine, she's one call away. You can ask her to go to the mall and walk for hours but won't buy anything, get sunburned in a beach or drive around and get lost.

4. Free Personal Assistant/Photographer. When I already had a daughter, my 'lil sister stayed with  me in my apartment. She's always with me when we go out carrying my baby bag, ordering our food, buy movie tickets and many more. Haha! Such fun to have her around.

4. Instant Babysitter. When my sister was still a baby, I'm the one who took care of her. And now, it's payback time! Haha! I think this is the top most reason why Im thankful of having a sister.


1. She's Your No.1 Critic. Absolutely, she's your biggest fan but she will criticize you at the same time. She'll inform you if your outfit sucks. She'll tell you if you look bruha with your make-up. She'll tell you to go on a diet 'coz your gaining weight. All of the harsh thing in this world, yet, your feelings won't hurt.


2. Closet Invader. If your size is somewhat the same, then please expect these questions. "Can I borrow your gorg black jacket?, "I want your dress. Can I have it?". Your sister look up to you when it comes to fashion especially if she can see that you always look good. So, if you go shopping make sure to buy two, one for you, one for your lil Sis. Haha!

3. She's Your Cutest CopyCat.  Sometimes she's annoying because she try to copy your outfit, the way you move, your expressions and alot more. Just like what I said earlier, your sister look up to you. So, make sure that she copy positive vibes, beautiful traits and great characteristics.

4. She'll Get You Broke AF. Remember I told you that you can drag her anywhere? Of course, if you do that, you'll take care of all the expenses from transportation to lodging to food. 😂😂😂 So, before inviting her to go on an out-of-town adventure don't forget to take your piggy bank with you.

5. You're always FRIEN-EMIES. You love one another but you always argue. First, you laugh with each other, next time you gone mad at her. 😆😆😆  Whatever happens, don't ever let the day pass without fixing the problem because FAMILY IS FOREVER 💕💕💕

So, this is my list... Can you share me yours?  Thank you again for reading my post! Ciao!!


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