5 Tips On How To Make Her First Birthday Memorable

I'm a first time mom. So, I wanna make sure that her First birthday will be memorable even if she won't remember it anyway. Haha!! I never thought that I'd be so excited that's why I planned in advance to make sure that I won't forget anything. Here's my List:

1. You have to first think of a THEME. I decided to make my unica hija a Snow White on her pictorial and a princess on her birthday. Please take a look!

This was taken about two weeks prior to her big day. I just let my artistic side work! :) I wanted her to wear a tutu skirt and since I'm a stay at home mom, I indeed created one for her. The red headband and the blue blouse I just bought it in a random store. Did you like it? I really, really loved the outcome! To make the pictorial more beautiful since Riri's birthday is summer, I tried to add a bunch of flowers, mirror, apples (don't forget because she's Snow White remember? Haha) and lastly CAKE for smashing! Here's more pictures for you to see...

Guess what? I took these pictures myself. I never hired a photographer.

You can add a mirror, or scatter the apples on the mat. You can do anything!

Another cutie shot of Snow White that's about to cry! LOL

My favorite photo of her 💖

2. Decide for a LOCATION. It's very important where you wanna celebrate the party. Are you gonna rent a place? Do you wanna celebrate it in your own house? You have to consider your budget here. Since I'm on a tight budget and luckily we have a garden to throw a party, that's why I decided to  do the event in there. I went to Pinterest to look for ideas and decorations that I can do by myself. These are the results:

Sorry for the face coz its so hot. Hello summer!!!

Yep, I made all of these big letterings of her name.

You can printout her pictures from first to twelfth month.

3. Write down who to invite. Again, you have to consider your budget here.  Make sure to invite important people. You don't want her Lolos and Lolas to feel bad because you forgot to call them... If you still have lots of space available, then it'll be better to call you neighbors. The more the merrier, right?

In the province, they will automatically go so no need to invite. Haha!
4. Foods! Foods! Foods! Ask yourself, do you wanna do the cooking or you prefer to be serviced by a caterer? Well, if you have lots of family members to help you prepare then you can go on the first one. I chose to have a caterer that was able to meet my needs and my budget.  Here are some of the foods that we had.

I printed out a picture of her face with a birthday cap and put it on top of her cupcakes to make it personalized.

Children loves donuts!

Strawberry flavored crinkles

Of course, summer won't be complete without Halo-Halo

I personally like cassava cake. Yum!

5. Prepare for a Program. We started ours with a prayer thanking our Lord God for all the blessings. And then a short introduction. You can play games or give trivia about the celebrant. Pretty much anything under the sun! And dont forget to thank everyone for coming 😊😚

This game won't get old.
The early birds.


Thanking everyone for coming!

However you celebrate it, it's always the thought that counts! See you on my next post... 💋💋💋


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